
Trade Schools in Lewiston ME

Whether you are looking into launching your first career, or would like further training in your current one, trade schools in Lewiston ME may allow you to reach your learning goals. Regardless of your preferred subject of study, you will find that many programs can be completed in only months and can provide a great starting place for beginning your vocation.

Directly below you will see entries for recognized career colleges in Lewiston ME. To search for online training programs provided by national institutions, we suggest that you use the search feature on this site.

Accredited Trade Schools in Lewiston, ME

Mr. Bernard’s School of Hair Fashion Inc.


Address: 711 Lisbon Street, Lewiston, ME 04240Mr Bernards School of Hair Fashion Inc

Phone: (207) 783-7765

Largest Program: Cosmetology

Average Program Length: 13 months

Overall Graduation Rate: n/a

Located in Lewiston, Mr. Bernard’s School of Hair Fashion has been training aspiring cosmetology professionals in Maine for more than 50 years. The school offers training in traditional beauty techniques with an international flair, and is accredited by the NACCAS.

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